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The answer to the question about which is the most spoken language in the world is Chinese. But it's never considered the most important; Spanish is in second place, and English in third. The always reliable Wikipedia, quoting studies by Ethnologue, says that the latter has 372 million speakers around the world. But despite not being the most spoken language in the world, it's definitely the one that connects the most people. Not for nothing, it's the second language in dozens of countries and the most taught language at schools only behind the official one. In fact, English is usually used as a vehicle of communication between people that speak different languages (between a Spaniard and a Swede, for instance). The best English dictionary This situation is mainly thanks to the inheritance received from the British Empire and the prevailing position of the United States as a global superpower. So if you don't want to be part of an alleged axis of evil made up by bad hombres (Trump dixit), you should start studying it in depth.

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5 Discharge by Frustration Whilst the doctrine has seen expansion from its inception, it is still narrow in application; Lord Roskill stated that it is: "not lightly to be invoked to relieve contracting parties of the normal consequences of imprudent bargains. " The case illustrates the principle that Frustration, as a doctrine, is very narrowly applied. To show frustration it would be necessary to demonstrate that performance of the new contract would be fundamentally different from that originally contemplated. The Court of Appeal also confirmed that frustration can apply to a contract for the sale by description of unascertained goods of a specified origin. 13. 5. 1 Concept Frustration occurs whenever a contract, after its formation, becomes impossible to perform without default of either party; the doctrine is often called subsequent or supervening impossibility, and its effect is that the parties are released from their contractual obligations. Origins: Paradine v Jane: Absolutism Until the nineteenth century the common law adopted a doctrine of absolute obligation to perform a contract.

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