1000 Reading Comprehension

Friday, 22 January 2021

Proof of Impairment by Alcohol [ edit] The Crown need only prove any degree of impairment of the person's ability to drive, not matter how great or minor. [1] This must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. [2] Impairment refers to the physiological of alcohol upon the mind. This is separate from intoxication, which refers to the observable physical signs of impairment. [3] Note, however, impairment is relative to a particular task. It is not simply a degree of general impairment but rather the accused's ability to drive is impaired and that the impairment is caused by alcohol or a drug. [4] The judge should not assume that mere impairment of any functional ability is equivalent to impairment by alcohol. [5] To prove any degree of impairment of ability to drive, the crown should present evidence of aberrant driving and consumption of alcohol. If evidence of driving is not available there is greater responsibility of establishing impairment through signs of the accused. [6] Impairment cannot be inferred merely by the readings from the breath sample results.

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[1] Standardized Field Sobriety Test [ edit] The Standardized Field Sobriety Test will frequently take place at the roadside, when it is safe to do so and where the officer has not already formed the requisite grounds to believe that an offence under s. 253 has been committed. The SFST will involve the examination of the driver's eyes for signs of Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus, a heel-to-toe walk, and a one-legged standing test. Drug Assessment [ edit] The Drug Recognition Expert follows a 12 step assessment process that is generally uniform across all of North America. [1] Breath Alcohol Test Interview of the Arresting Officer Preliminary Examination and First Pulse Eye Examination Divided Attention Psychophysical Tests Vital Signs and Second Pulse Dark Room Examinations Examination for Muscle Tone Check for Injection Sites and Third Pulse Subject's Statements and Other Observations Analysis and Opinions of the Evaluator Toxicological Examination See: DRE Symptom Chart; [2] Blood or Urine Sample [ edit] Either a blood or urine sample will be taken during or after the Drug Assessment.

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[2] R v Peterson, [2009] OJ No. 671 at 35 citing R. Andrews 1996 CanLII 6628 (AB CA) ↑ Andrews, supra Proof of Impairment by Drugs [ edit] The standard to proving impairment by drugs is the same as impairment by alcohol. The main difference involves the manner of detecting the presence of drugs and presenting evidence that there is impairment. The investigation of an impaired by drugs case commences with the initial investigation wherein an officer forms a reasonable suspicion of impairment by drugs. Under s. 254(2), the officer may demand that the driver submit to screening test to determine if there is reasonable grounds to believe that the driver is committing an offence under s. 253 regarding drugs. The investigating officer will generally have a Drug Recognition Expert (or Drug Recognition Evaluator) attend the scene of the investigation to perform a Standardized Field Sobriety Test (SFST) to determine if the driver may be impaired by drugs. If the driver presents sufficient indicia of impairment then they will be given a demand to attend the police station to undergo the full 12 step assessment as set out in the Regulations.

1000 Reading Comprehension Practice Test Items for the New TOEIC Test | Learning English Together

In the explanation, why are all 4 answer choices (A, B, C, D) labeled incorrect? In this test problem, the word "surmise" means "to guess". Therefore the answer MUST be choice D. However in the book, choice D is erroneously labeled "wrong". Conclusion: Besides the 6 errors from Pretest section, there are no significant issues in other sections of the book. I'm just appalled by how LearningExpress got away with their 6 Fat Errors that should have been eliminated before the official publication. Well, I already wrote/ doodled something in the book. So, the REFUND may not be an easy option. If anyone wishes to report any complaint, just contact Learning Express: 1-800-295-9556 ext. 2 or I will just call the customer service even though it won't produce any significant result or change. If I were the director of LearningExpress, I'll definitely threaten to fire whoever made careless, dumb mistakes that could have been prevented. LearningExpress should be ashamed of their questionable credibility as both reviewer and publisher of the book.

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