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Hi! Happy Friday night! I found some freaky stories for you on Reddit and a few other places. Enjoy sleeping with the lights on. 1. Mommy's home I heard one, a father is laying in bed after just waking up, he grabs the baby monitor and walks to his desk in his office at home, he has his baby on the baby monitor and hears his wife singing to her, he cracks a smile as he hears his wife "Go to sleep… go to sleep…" When suddenly the front door opens up and his wife comes in with groceries. 2. Pretending to be asleep doesn't work Heres one that scared the living shit out of me when I was younger. A young boy is sleeping in his bed on a usual night. He hears footsteps outside his door, and peeks out of his eyes to see what is happening. His door swings open quietly to reveal a murderer carrying the corpses of his parents. After silently propping them up on a chair, he writes something on the wall in the blood of the dead bodies. He then hides under the childs bed. The child is scared beyond belief.

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ProLibra® Es una nueva proteína bioactiva extraída del suero lácteo, desarrollada como solución sana para perder peso: Acelera la pérdida de grasa corporal, da sensación de saciedad. Ayuda a reducir la glucemia post-prandial La Patente ProLibra® está incluida en nuestro producto BioPro Fit del Sistema FuXion para Reducir Peso y Medidas

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Do you shoot her? " "I… no, obviously. " "Why not? " "She's just a girl. " "You were that girl once, " Holt said, stunning Saraphine who gave him a wide eyed look, "I'm not saying forgive them, I'm saying give mercy to the defeated. That's the only way to break the cycle. " "But to give mercy we first have to be in a position to kill them, " Adim said with understanding. "Exactly! " Holt agreed, "they clearly haven't offered mercy, so we will, once we are in a position to. Can you do that? Can you offer mercy? " "I… don't know…" Saraphine admitted, "to a child, yes, but to a retired warrior? The politicians who ordered the wars? " "They'll pay for their mistakes, but not with their lives at the end of a gun, " Holt assured her, "they'll pay with their freedom, if they survive the war anyone we find guilty of war crimes will be locked up for the rest of their lives. Or executed if capitol punishment is a thing here. The point is we'll show mercy where we can, and sort through to find those deserving of punishment. "

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This complete system is called as an ECU ( Engine Control Unit). This OBD connector is meant to be used only by the service guy to monitor the health of your Car and provide diagnosis. Apart from this it is also controls the warning lights on your Cars dashboard. How to use the OBD-II connector with Arduino/Raspberry Pi? It is a federal law to modify or tamper with the OBD system of your car, but if your engine failure light has gone in your Car and you want to diagnose the problem by yourself then it is pretty much easy to use connectors like ODB-II to connect between your Car and a microcontroller or microprocessor. Once you get all the vital details of your car into a development platform like Arduino or Raspberry Pi then the application is limitless. The OBD port can found on the dashboard near the steering wheel of every car. The position of the port varies based on the manufacturer and is normally hidden in a blind spot for aesthetic reasons. Once you find the port hook up the connector and connect the other end to STN1110 OBD UART board.

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Desde ese poder y estatus inconmensurable les dicen a sus homólogas que su esfuerzo individual y su lucha a lo largo de la historia, codo con codo con el hombre, ni siquiera ha existido. El feminismo es puro marxismo frentista que no entra en disputa con el yugo del carca del pasado, sino que lucha por relevarlo. Imita el patrón chantajista, dominante y depredador del maltratador reeditando el tú sin mí no eres nada bajo el tú, mujer, le debes todo al feminismo. Sin él no podrías trabajar, votar, llevar esa falda corta o esas medias. Las feministas de partido político financian sus arcas con el dinero de las víctimas. Y las más acaloradas feministas de plató ponen en evidencia las flaquezas de muchas de las mujeres defensoras del movimiento. Algunas han llegado a convertirse en groupies de terroristas llegando hasta la hibristofília. Una inclinación patológica y carnal por el criminal. Les pone un Otegi, un Boye o un Valtonyc, porque tienen una necesidad imperante de ser dominadas por estos tipos que han llegado al delito, al secuestro o al asesinato.

Que es una metáfora, te pones el arma asesina entre los dientes, pero no le concedes el poder de matarte. Y luego de pensarlo unos segundos, la azafata le responde que ese tipo de metáforas están prohibidas en el vuelo. Augustus asiente y guarda el cigarrillo en el paquete. Tiempo después el avión despegó. Era la primera vez que Gus viajaba en avión, así que su temor y entusiasmo era visible. A Hazel le dio ternura la reacción de él ante el despegue, y no pudo evitar darle un beso en la mejilla. Fue un viaje corto hasta Detroit, en donde un pequeño coche eléctrico los pasó a buscar para subirse al próximo vuelo, que los llevaría directo a Ámsterdam. Aquel avión tenía pantallas en el respaldo de cada asiento, así que, en cuanto estuvieron volando, Gus y Hazel miraron películas románticas, escucharon música, etc. Horas después, la madre de Hazel se durmió, y aunque ellos dos intentaran hacer lo mismo, las ansias y los nervios los superaban. Vieron la película 300 para pasar el rato, pero se le acababan las ideas.


If you love camping and hiking you probably want to learn how to go backpacking, but the great outdoors can be overwhelming for first-time backpackers. You are camping in the wilderness -- miles from roads, facilities, and other people but, the solitude is one of the best reasons to get on the trail and go backpacking. Don't let the unfamiliar landscape or worries of being in the wild keep you from going backpacking. Here are some tips and advice to help beginner backpackers get started. Hero Images / Getty Images What Is Backpacking? Backpacking -- tramping, trekking or backcountry camping -- is essentially the combination of hiking and camping in the backcountry. A backpacker carries camping gear: a tent, sleeping bag, cookware, food, and clothing, in a backpack and hikes to a backcountry camping destination. Backpacking trips range from short one-night trips to multi-day trips. Some trips start at one trailhead and end at another. And some backpackers even set out on months-long distance end-to-end treks called thru-hikes.