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94% found this document useful (16 votes) 14K views 613 pages Description: The most comprehensive English Grammar by Longman Date uploaded Dec 01, 2013 Copyright © Attribution Non-Commercial (BY-NC) Available Formats PDF or read online from Scribd Did you find this document useful? 94% found this document useful (16 votes) 14K views 613 pages You're Reading a Free Preview Pages 30 to 40 are not shown in this preview. Pages 58 to 71 are not shown in this preview. Pages 89 to 173 are not shown in this preview. Pages 191 to 216 are not shown in this preview. Pages 234 to 255 are not shown in this preview. Pages 276 to 288 are not shown in this preview. Page 292 is not shown in this preview. Pages 313 to 354 are not shown in this preview. Pages 370 to 371 are not shown in this preview. Pages 385 to 410 are not shown in this preview. Pages 426 to 429 are not shown in this preview. Pages 462 to 477 are not shown in this preview. Pages 504 to 515 are not shown in this preview. Pages 522 to 584 are not shown in this preview.

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Hace cinco años que estoy en el mundo. Cinco años es mucho tiempo para alguien como yo. Fue Max quien me puso ese nombre. Max es el único ser humano que puede verme. Los padres de Max dicen que soy un «amigo imaginario». Me gusta mucho la maestra de Max, la señorita Gosk. No me gusta la otra maestra de Max, la señorita Patterson. No soy imaginario. Soy un amigo imaginario con suerte. Llevo más tiempo en el mundo que casi todos los amigos imaginarios. Una vez conocí a uno que se llamaba Philippe. Era el amigo imaginario de un niño que iba a la guardería con Max. No duró ni una semana. Llegó al mundo un día, con pinta bastante humana pese a que no tenía orejas (hay muchos amigos imaginarios que no las tienen) y en unos días ya había desaparecido. También tengo suerte de que Max sea tan imaginativo. Una vez conocí a un amigo imaginario llamado Chomp que no pasó de ser más que una mancha en la pared. Una masa negra y borrosa sin ninguna forma. Solo sabía hablar y reptar pared arriba y pared abajo, pero como era más plano que un papel no podía despegarse de allí.

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The duties of a salesperson include customer communication, customer assistance, demonstrating product knowledge and completing transactions. Communicating with the customer, the primary duty of a salesperson, includes greeting the customer, assessing needs and answering questions. These duties revolve around the ability to provide information and offer guidance regarding specific products. A salesperson must have a friendly disposition and excellent communication skills to effectively assist the customer. Assisting the customer is a duty that requires selecting the best product to satisfy the customer's needs. Depending on the circumstance, this duty can include locating a specific product, checking additional stock, finding the right size or special-ordering items that satisfy the customer's needs. Demonstrating product knowledge helps promote the value of the product. An effective salesperson must have detailed knowledge of different products and answer customers' questions. Whether the product is a household item or a vehicle, the salesperson must be capable of accurately describing the product and its features.

(past simple) Test 12 mob I didn't … Did you …? (past simple negative and questions) Test 13 I was doing (past continuous) Test 14 I was doing (past continuous) and I did (past simple) Test 15 I have done (present perfect 1) Test 16 mob I've just/already not yet (present perfect 2) NEW! Test 17 Have you ever …? (present perfect 2) Test 18 How long have you …? (present perfect 3) Test 19 for since ago Test 20 I have done (present perfect) and I did (past simple) Test 21 mob it is done / it was done (passive 1) Test 22 is being done has been done (passive 2) Test 25 What are you doing tomorrow? (present for the future) Test 26 I'm going to… Test 27 will/shall (1) Test 28 will/shall (2) Test 29 may and might Test 30 can and could Test 31 must Test 32 mob should Test 33 have to … Test 34 mob Would you like …? Test 35 Do this! Don't do that! Let's do this! Test 37 there is / there are Test 38 there was / were / has been / will be Test 39 it … Test 51 go/going work/working play/playing etc. Test 40 I am / I don't etc.

Print page Counting books are the perfect way to help with your child's early learning. Fruits: a Caribbean Counting Poem Author: Valerie Bloom Illustrator: David Axtell Interest level: 4-7 Reading age: 5+ Flip From half a pawpaw to five jew-plums through to ten bananas, this girl's love of Caribbean fruits is so infectious that you can al…; One, Two, Cockatoo! Author: Sarah Garson Interest level: 3+ Reading age: 6+ Here is a rhyming, counting book with cockatoos having fun on every page. ; Count with Maisy Author: Lucy Cousins Interest level: 0-3 Reading age: Young children will have fun counting from one to ten using familiar objects, such as pencils and fish. ; Counting Birds Author: Alice Melvin Reading age: 7+ This stylishly illustrated counting book from a Best New Illustrator, opens with a vibrant cockerel crowing to welcome the day and…; One is a Snail, Ten is a Crab Author: April Pulley Sayre and Jeff Sayre Illustrator: Randy Cecil Interest level: This is an original approach to counting, using feet instead of fingers!

Naquele mesmo dia, após conversar com os jurados e ouvir deles que se não fosse pelas minhas poses (muito malfeitas), eu teria conseguido ficar em primeiro ou segundo lugar, prometi voltar e surpreendê-los com a minha evolução no ano seguinte. Por ter sofrido um estresse nunca sentido antes, com uma dieta restritiva (em alimentos e horários), decidi mudar de treinador, e foi aí que eu descobri a dieta flexível. Um ano depois, competi de novo e me consagrei campeão em todas as mesmas três categorias em que havia ficado em quarto lugar, um ano antes. Hoje, eu estudo "Strength and Conditioning" (ou Força e Condicionamento, em português) na Universidade de Findlay. Um curso voltado a área de musculação. Já li centenas, se não milhares de artigos (geralmente científicos) na internet e tenho uma enorme coleção de livros na área, os quais leio, releio, e estudo diariamente. Outro hobby meu é ouvir podcasts de experts na área, o que é outra fonte do meu conhecimento. Com o meu conhecimento adquirido de forma empírica, prática e teórica, eu criei um canal no Youtube no meio de 2014, e hoje já conto com mais de 200 mil inscritos.

A Death Gate Novel Series: Titles in Order Book 7 Available formats: Ebook (1) Paperback (1) The Seventh Gate is the thrilling conclusion to the New York Times bestselling Death Gate Cycle by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman. In this tale of treachery, power, and heroism, Alfred, Haplo, and Marit embark on a journey of death and discovery as they seek to enter the dreaded Seventh Gate. Encountering enemies both old and new, they unleash a magic no power can control, damning themselves to an apocalypse of unimagined proportion in a final struggle between good and evil. Book 6 From his army of the undead, Xar, Lord of the Nexus, learns of the existence of the mysterious Seventh Gate. It is said that this gate grants whoever enters it the power to create worlds—or destroy them. Only Haplo knows its location—but he doesn't know he knows it. Now an ex-lover has been sent to betray Haplo and bring back his corpse. Meanwhile, the assassin Hugh the Hand is also after Haplo, wielding the Accursed Blade.

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