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Saturday, 13 February 2021

Aspectos relacionados ao emocional: Durante a maior parte ano letivo.................. apresentou uma oscilação nas suas relações afetivas com os colegas. Demonstra que compreende os limites de convivência em grupo, porém, de um momento para o outro vai da criança amável a criança traquina. Seu emocional afetivo precisa ser mais trabalhado para o companheirismo e aceitação do outro para que no futuro consiga obter bons êxitos em suas relações. Nos momentos de conversas com a professora sobre limites de convivência, apresentou uma maior aceitação dos mesmos. Aspectos psicomotor: Neste aspecto foram realizadas atividades diversificadas, para que o aluno desenvolva de forma harmoniosa suas habilidades psicomotoras. Aspectos relacionados à atenção e concentração: Nas atividades que exigem concentração, o aluno não consegue direcionar atenção necessária, precisando que a professora esteja todo tempo ao seu lado orientando-lhe para que o mesmo possa realizar no tempo previsto suas atividades dentro.

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There are several methods by which two-way slabs can be designed. All methods are viable provided that the safety and serviceability of the elements are within the acceptable limits. The coefficient method may be the simplest, easiest and the quickest approach for the design of two-way slab supported by edge beam on all slab sides. This method was provided in the American Concrete Institute (ACI) in 1963 to design two-way slabs carried by steel beams, deep beam, or walls. Nonetheless, the coefficient method is not included in the current edition of the ACI code. This is because it is considered to be too conservative and more precise approaches can be employed. However, it should be known that the coefficient method is still applied for two-way slabs. Coefficient Method The coefficient method employs tables of moment coefficients for different slab edge conditions. The conditions are based on elastic analysis but inelastic redistribution is accounted for as well. As a result, the design moment on both directions is smaller by a specific amount than the ultimate elastic moment in that exclusive direction.

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Do not circuit. Perform each exercise for 3 sets of 5 reps, rest for 90-120 seconds and move onto the next assistance exercise. Week 5 Exercise Sets x Reps Rest Period Power Shrugs (60%) of Original Deadlift Max 3x5 Stiff Leg Deadlifts 3x5 90-120 seconds Bent Over Rows 3x5 90-120 seconds Underhand Grip Lat Pulldowns 3x5 90-120 seconds Good Mornings 3x5 90-120 seconds Treat week 6 the same way, but increase the weight to 65% for the Power Shrugs. Week 6 Power Shrugs (65%) of Original Deadlift Max 3x5 Week 7-8: The amount of sets decrease to 2. Again, do not circuit. Perform each exercise for 2 sets of 5 reps, rest for 90-120 seconds and move onto the next assistance exercise. Week 7 Power Shrugs (70%) of Original Deadlift Max 2x5 Stiff Leg Deadlifts 2x5 90-120 seconds Bent Over Rows 2x5 90-120 seconds Underhand Grip Lat Pulldowns 2x5 90-120 seconds Good Mornings 2x5 90-120 seconds Treat week 8 the same way, but increase the weight to 75% for the Power Shrugs. Week 8 Power Shrugs (75%) of Original Deadlift Max 2x5 Week 9-10: During week 9 you will only perform power shrugs and stiff leg deadlifts as seen in the table below.