101 Interventions In Group Therapy

Sunday, 14 February 2021
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eliciting self-awareness in the transmission of gender roles through family role models -- 56 Living with dying: how to keep the group alive when the members are dying -- 57 Bringing a new member into group: marking a new place in the cycle -- 58 The crystal and the stone: use of transitional objects in groups -- 59 You can teach an old dog new tricks! -- 60 Using dreams in group therapy -- 61 The group therapist as a storyteller -- 62 Using primary language to access primary affect -- 63 "What's so funny" the group leader's use of humor in adolescent groups -- 64 Using grammar to increase immediacy and affect -- 65 Group as a place to practice new behaviors -- 66 Counterresistance: its manifestation and impact on group intervention and management -- 67 "When boundaries breath" -- 68 "What do you mean I should tell her what I think about her? "

101 interventions in group therapy ppt

The Group Leaders Use of Humor in Adolescent Groups 87 Chapter 18 Using Grammar to Increase Immediacy and Affect 93 A Pathway to Resilience 99 Chapter 20 Group As a Place to Practice New Behaviors 105 Its Manifestation and Impact on Group Intervention and Management 111 Chapter 22 Some Thoughts on Silence in Group Therapy 117 Chapter 23 When Boundaries Breathe 123 Chapter 24 You Can Teach an Old Dog New Tricks 127 Chapter 25 The Fee Payment As an Aspect of Group Communication 131 Chapter 26 What Do You Mean I Should Tell Her What I Think About Her?

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  2. Todos los libros del autor Ana Flor Raucci
  3. Elisabet benavent , libro para descargar | Libros-Gratis.info
  4. 101 Interventions in Group Therapy - Google Books
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101 interventions in group therapy activities

Haim Weinberg, PhD Reviewed in the United States on November 11, 2008 101 Interventions in Group Therapy Doing Group Therapy is always a challenge from the neophyte to the most experienced therapist. This book provides ready reference to a wide range of techniques covering diverse problems across a wide range of theoretical orientations. So often an issue might arise within the group and finding a ready reference as this book provides gives the therapist prompt support. It is an esential book for both the individual and institution's library. I only wish such a book had been available when I first began conducting groups some 15 years ago and it is an invaluable resource for me today.

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